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Hi, I'm Lorraine, and welcome to my contact page.


You're probably here because you're in need of advice, words of comfort or perhaps cannot see clearly what is happening in a challenging and difficult situation. Maybe you need to talk with someone who can see beyond the normal perspective and shed wisdom on the current situation.


Since I was a child, I've been fully clairvoyant, I thought it was normal. If you've been to any of my live demonstrations, you'll know that I couldn't possibly make up or guess any of the precise details given to me by spirit, I'm just not that clever ! 


Some people say my language and style can be a bit on the raw side, but I think it's important to be yourself in life, flaws and all. I don't wear makeup, and what you see with me, is what you get.


My messages can occasionally prove challenging, as they may not give people what they initially think they want, so I always do my best to reveal to people what is most needed at the time, so they can move forwards. It's a bit like wanting a cream cake, when what you really need is an organic salad :)

People usually feel better after a session, finding they have a much deeper understanding and clarity, but there are also times when aspects of an experience must first be confronted before progress can be made, and may well involve doing some homework or working through issues with friends and loved ones. Your friend is the person who tells you that you need to go for a haircut, not the one who says you look fabulous when you don't !


Looking forward to hearing from you when the time's right.


With love,

L    x



To book a session with Lorraine Radcliffe, there are 2 price options available on the booking page, once you have chosen, you can contact Lorraine to arrange a time for a telephone or skype appointment. There is normally a waiting time of 1-2 weeks, so please request the day and date you prefer, giving time of day plus alternatives, then await confirmation from Lorraine to firm up your appointment. 

Please note that all reading times are estimates, timings may vary 15 minutes either way.


Any questions? Please use either e-mail or WhatsApp Lorraine is in regular sessions with clients and will always respond as soon as available. Thank you.

Psychic Medium Lorraine Radcliffe


Lorraine Radcliffe

07733 296 915

+44 7733 296 915 (WhatsApp and outside UK dial in)


skype lorraine.spirit

or send your message from here :-

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Due to laws governing the use of mediumship, private sittings, psychic readings, and other spiritual phenomenon, the services offered on this website are classified as "for entertainment purposes only" and are not intended to, nor should they substitue any legal, financial, medical or other professional advice or service.

By requesting a reading or any other other services provided here, you confirm that you agree to these terms and confirm that you are over the age of 18 years, and able to take responsibility for your own interpretation of all information provided via the services.

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